
Novella update. Thoughts on Audiobooks?

First draft of the novella is done and sent to my alpha reader! (Although now that I’ve finished it, I’m convinced it is terrible and needs a lot of work. But I suppose that’s the next step. Try to make it suck less. And repeat until it’s shareable.)

It took I think a total of 10 days to draft, and will probably take another 10 days for the ‘make it suck less’ process. 

I want to attempt, as an experiment, to do it as an audiobook, as well.

Do you like audiobooks? I consume a lot, so I thought it might be worth it. But it could be too much trouble or beyond my abilities. But I do want to know if this is a possibility going forward.

What do you think. Audiobooks, yay or nay? Worth it?


What I’m working on (new project!)

What am I working on?

Obviously, I’m working on EOM again. But after I published the latest chapter, I decided to write a novella (a trilogy of novellas, actually) just for my EOM readers. Original fiction that will hopefully be enough like EOM to get and keep their interest, but different—quite different— in that they will be shorter and sweeter. A modern fantasy novella (series) with a guaranteed happy ending. With any luck, this can be a stepping stone from my fan fiction to my original fiction?

I started it Monday, and I’m about halfway through (the first one) and it’s been fun to write so far. It will obviously need editing and redrafting. If all goes well, it could be out (on Amazon) at the end of August/the start of September, depending on how my graphic designer friend gets on with the cover. (And she can’t start until I’ve finished at least the first draft, so, that’s still on me.)

Something about publishing chapter by chapter, or novella at a time, makes it easier. It’s not instant gratification by any means. Still, it allows you to put something out there and feel a sense of accomplishment. Whereas with a novel, you might be working on it for a year with nothing to show (the world) for it, and the longer it takes, the longer you have to fall out of love with it or even grow to hate it.

I have my own ideas for a few novella series, but I wonder, is it a terrible idea to take suggestions? I would like to know what people enjoy reading now, and I want to practice writing in different genres. (However, I lack the self-motivation to just do it without any incentive/accountability.) Something to ponder.

After I post this little ramble to the blog, I’m going to write as much on the new novella as I can. It’s at that stage where the writing of it is a bit addicting (the way EOM used to be). So, I’m eager to get to it. In fact, I shall end the post here.
